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Working in a Single Sheet Project

Within single sheet projects several basic functions are available: Search, Messaging, Reporting, Working with widgets, Working with roles, Viewing the change history, Document management.


Single sheet projects are projects that consist of basically one page. A Single Sheet project for example has no logs and has no planning Gantt. Single sheet can for example be used to register a project and report on its status, without actually planning and controlling the project with Fortes Change Cloud. The main features of a single sheet project are:

Show, edit and report project (status) information from one page: project fields and project finances.

Request resources for your project.

Enter time on your project (time entry).

Report to the portfolio.



The Single Sheet dashboard


What you see on a Single Sheet project

1.The top section of the dashboard shows general information.

2.The top section also shows information about the last publication date to the portfolio.

3.Click Edit Properties to configure your Single Sheet project, a pop-up appears. In this pop-up you can change the name and objective of the project. Whether you can actually do this is dependent on your configuration.

4.If you decide that you want to plan and control your project as a 'regular' project (with logs and planning Gantt), click Apply Model, a dialogue box appears. Select the model you wish to apply and click OK.
Note: this button is not available when a report request is pending - the button Publish to portfolio will then be shown.

5.Click Edit Roles to add team members to your project.

6.This section is defined by sending a report request from the portfolio to the single sheet project.


Note: in the screenshot above the tabs Resource Allocation and Documents s are visible, these only show if allowed by system settings. Please contact you system administrator for more information.