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Managing Costs with the Order log

Note: Where you can enter which costs depends on your configuration.


You can use the Order Administration (or Order Log) to enter orders on your project. You can use order to plan costs and enter commitments and actuals. Orders have a financial category and can be linked to plan items.


Create and Manage Orders

Step 1. Navigate to your project, to the tab Dashboard, to the section Logs and click Orders, the Order Log appears.

Step 2. Click plus-teken02 to create a new order, a row appears in the Order Log.

Step 3. Enter a description, an owner, a financial category and a plan-item, click Save.

order log

The Order Log


Step 4. To enter further details, click on the Description, a dialogue box appears:

order detail page

The Order dialogue


Step 5. Click pen-symbool02 to edit the order: enter costs or edit other information. Costs are entered in a pop-up so you can enter amounts on different book dates:

entering costs on orders

Entering Costs on an Order


Note: Make sure you enter a book date, otherwise the costs will not show in the Financial Grid.